miércoles, 18 de diciembre de 2019



draw on/
  1. to use a supply of something that is available to you
    • I'll have to draw on my savings.
    • The novelist draws heavily on her personal experiences.

bring somebody in something | bring in something
  1. to make or earn a particular amount of money
    • His freelance work brings him in about $20 000 a year.
    • The garage sale brought in about £200.
    • How much does she bring in now?

hold something  back
  1. to not tell somebody something they want or need to know
    • to hold back information
    • I think he's holding something back. I'm sure he knows more than he admits.
  2. to stop yourself from expressing how you really feel
    • She just managed to hold back her anger.
    • He bravely held back his tears.


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