lunes, 9 de marzo de 2020

tercero bgu

inglés: revise la información y pegue la al cuaderno

Wish + (that) + past simple:
We can use 'wish' to talk about something that we would like to be different in the present or the future. It's used for things which are impossible or very unlikely.
  • I wish that I had a big house (I don't have a big house, but it's a nice idea!).
  • I wish that we didn't need to work today (we do need to work today, unfortunately).
  • I wish that you lived close by (you don't live close by).
  • I wish that John wasn't busy tomorrow* (he is busy, unfortunately).
(*In formal writing, you will see 'were' instead of 'was' after wish. This is correct, but it's also fine to use 'was', in the same way as with the second conditional.
  • 'I wish I were rich' or 'I wish I was rich'.)
We also use 'wish' with 'could' to talk about things in the present or future that we would like to be different. In this situation, 'could' is the past simple of 'can'.

Of course, we use 'can' to talk about ability - if we know how to do something or not. For example, 'I can speak Spanish' or 'I can't drive'. We also use 'can' to talk about possibility - if things are possible or not possible. For example, 'we can't come to the party tonight' or 'John can help you clean up'. We use 'could' with 'wish' to talk about ability and to talk about possibility.
  • I wish that I could speak Spanish (but, unfortunately, I can't speak Spanish).
  • I wish that I could drive (I can't drive).
  • I wish that we could go to the party tonight (unfortunately, we're busy so we can't go).
  • I wish that John could help you clean up (John is at work, so he can't help).

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